Renewable robotic Farming

How Energy Storage, Robotic Farm Equipment, and Agriculture are Transforming Australian Farming

Have you ever wondered how cutting-edge technology like energy storage and robotic farm equipment is revolutionising agriculture in Australia? Sustainable farming is no longer a distant vision but a reality, thanks to advancements in renewable energy and automation. Our latest case study takes a deep dive into one of these transformative stories—the McNeil family and their journey to turn their 4th generation dairy farm into a model of innovation and sustainability.

Farming at the mercy of the environment

Farming has always been at the mercy of environmental conditions, and in recent years, the volatility of the electrical grid has added another layer of uncertainty. Many farmers across Australia face challenges with grid instability, high energy costs, and unreliable power supply. This issue is especially critical for dairy farms, where operations need to run around the clock. Milking machines, cooling systems, and other essential equipment can’t afford frequent downtime.

Controlling their energy

The McNeil family decided to take control of their energy needs by integrating PowerPlus Energy’s Escape20 and Escape60 Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) with their existing solar setup. This powerful combination allowed them to combat grid instability, reduce reliance on external power sources, and operate their farm sustainably, 24/7.

But the story doesn’t end with energy independence. The farm also embraced cutting-edge robotic equipment to streamline operations, boosting efficiency and productivity. The combination of renewable energy, battery backup, and advanced farm automation has been a game-changer for the McNeils.

Technology reshaping the future

This case study highlights how technology is reshaping the future of agriculture by making farms more resilient, efficient, and environmentally friendly. The McNeil family’s story is proof that with the right energy solutions, sustainable farming isn’t just possible—it’s the future.

Want to see how it all came together? Watch the full case study and witness firsthand how innovation is driving a new era of farming in Australia!